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Foster Care

Pet boarding service is a key service designed to help some necessary pets stay safe and adaptable before international shipment or long-distance travel. Here is a detailed introduction to this service:

  • Health Screening and Preparation: Before pets begin boarding, a comprehensive health screening is performed to ensure they are in top condition before travel. This includes checking your pet's weight, temperature, vaccinations, and health.

  • Diet and Exercise: Provide the daily diet and exercise your pet needs to ensure they receive proper nutrition and exercise while in foster care. The diet is adjusted to your pet's tastes and preferences.

  • Psychological care: Understand your pet’s behavioral and emotional needs and provide them with comfort, interaction, and entertainment to reduce potential anxiety and adaptive stress.

  • Medical care and emergency planning: Professionals monitor your pet’s health and are ready to respond to any emergencies. They understand your pet's medical history to ensure appropriate action can be taken quickly.

  • Adaptation training: Adaptation training for the environmental changes your pet may encounter during travel. This can include adapting to a new climate, sound, or shelter. This includes acclimation to flight crate training.

  • Periodic Reports and Communications: Periodic reports provided to pet owners detailing the pet’s behavior, health, and condition while in foster care. Effective communication with pet owners is key to ensuring they understand their pet’s condition and feel reassured.

  • Supervision by a professional team: Pet boarding is usually supervised by a professional pet care team who have extensive experience and knowledge and can deal with various situations and provide the best care for the pet.

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Pre-transport pet boarding services are designed to prepare pets for their upcoming trip, ensuring they are healthy and acclimated to their new environment before international shipment or long distance travel, and reducing the stress associated with travel. This critical service gives pet owners the peace of mind of knowing their pets will receive the best possible care before traveling, ensuring their health and safety


Contact us today for a no-obligation quote!

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