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Our Clients

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My cat travel experience is very good, and I received videos and photos at every step of the way. My cat got nice care and arrived in Shanghai from New York quickly. It only took about half a month from the time I decided to return to China to when my cat landed in Shanghai. It was a pleasant experience.




I'm thrilled to share my positive experience with JMAXPET Animal Travel in 2021, utilizing their services for my mixed-breed brachycephalic cat's journey from Canada to China. Despite my concerns about her short nose, the company's professional team provided detailed explanations and special care, ensuring her safety and comfort throughout the entire journey. The process was seamless, highlighting JMAXPET Animal Travel's expertise in international pet transportation. I highly recommend their services to fellow pet owners seeking reliable international transport. Many thanks for their outstanding care!



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This year, I bought a small Maltese in South Korea and transported it to Canada, facing concerns about its safety due to its young age and unique breed. Thankfully, this company understood my worries and customized a secure route with a layover. The layover provided not only a safer journey but also professional care services. The staff's continuous updates, including at least 30 photos and videos, showcased their professionalism and thoughtful service. Throughout the process, I felt assured of the company's commitment to the safety of both customers and pets. I express my satisfaction and recommend them to fellow pet owners for their professionalism and attentive service!



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I am very worried about the transportation of our dog because this is his first long-distance trip from Canada back to China. JMAXPET provided me with professional route options and we chose Lufthansa to transport my pet. Fortunately, it arrived in Shanghai safely and in good condition!



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